Allstate HomeQuote Letters

  • Leads
  • Coverages
  • Agency
  • Order
  • Verify

Step 1: Leads

Choose quantity

Letters start at $0.95 each + applicable tax, with a minimum order of 250 per mailing.
Mail a maximum of letters per month.
Maximum letters per month
Split into two mailings per month

Available Leads

Approx. 0 leads per month.

Area Total Other Agents

Select desired geography

Geography By:required
ZIP Code:required
Select a county and press 'Add'

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Home Value:
All available
Year Built:
All available

What types of leads are being used and where do they come from?
All leads are sourced from public deed and property tax information.

They are single family, owner occupied homes with recorded:
  • Market Value
  • Year Built
  • Deed Date (X Date)
What is Real-Comp's policy on ZIP code exclusivity?
How does Real-Comp scrub these leads?
